How to avoid viral fever (common cold) in this flu season
It’s the flu season in Kerala! We’ve noticed a steady increase in the number of people suffering from viral fever among those coming to our ENT clinic at Trivandrum. Influenza (also called “the flu”) is a viral infection in the nose, throat, and lungs.

Prevent viral fever | Dr Joel ENT clinic Trivandrum
Symptoms of Common Cold/Flu:
Common symptoms of flu (common cold/viral fever) are fever, cough, sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, headache, muscle aches, and tiredness. Occasionally, in some people a simple viral fever may be complicated by serious diseases, such as pneumonia. An ENT specialist can help you diagnose serious cases from simple self limiting ones. A good ENT doctor can help you avoid unnecessary antibiotics and also treat cases before they become complicated.
People at higher risk of viral fevers
Some groups of people have a higher risk of flu complications:
- Young children, especially those younger than two years of age
- Adults 65 years of age and older
- All women who are or will be pregnant during the flu season
- People who are living in nursing homes or long-term-care facilities
- Individuals who have long-term health problems
How to avoid getting the flu

Prevent viral fever | Dr Joel ENT clinic Trivandrum| ENT specialist | Best ENT doctors in Trivandrum
Usually, in other countries, the recommended measure to prevent viral fevers is to get as flu shot (influenza vaccine). This isnt recommended or relevant in our country. This could be because influenza viruses tend to mutate and change their strain soon. So for you, I would recommend that you avoid close contact with people who have viral fever. You can spot these as they have runny nose, or cough. If you can, use a mask, preferably one that can block viral particles. The N95 mask is recommended in these cases.
And if you do get infected, contact an ENT specialist as soon as possible. You can book an appointment to our ENT clinic at Trivandrum where our specialist ENT doctor can help you get back on your feet soon.